Making Batches Faster " Topping Off"

Topping Off

When you first start a batch of Silver Water in pure water, very little current will flow, so very little Silver will enter the water at first.

The amount of Silver entering the water very gradually increases the rate of entry as more Silver enters and the current flowing increases as a result. This is called "Ramp up to current" [Without current control at that point, this will quickly accelerate to a condition known as 'Runaway' "pulling so much current that a power supply can actually melt into a puddle or just burn out]

 It can take many many hours to 'Ramp Up' to where the generator starts regulating the current flow at around 7 PPM.

 Pre-warming the water reduces the Ramp Up time considerably without contaminating the water.

Since the SilverPuppy  generators monitor conductivity in order to activate the Program feature [or turn itself off] at 10 PPM, you can do partial batch use or a "Topping Off" procedure to virtually eliminate the Ramp Up time in the next batch.

Howto: After a batch is done, pour out about 1/2 of it to use and refill with fresh pure water and re-start.

If you were going for 20 PPM, adding 1\2 back in should reduce the PPM to around 10 PPM.  If the yellow LED does not start blinking, you know you are at barely below 10 PPM and you can add to that by pushing the program button like normal while VASTLY reducing the over all time it took compared to making the initial batch.

Even if stopping the initial batch at Auto Off 10 PPM, half of that should take you back to around 5 PPM, very close to the top of the "Ramp"

At 24 volts, it can take many many hours to go from zero to, if time is dear, why not start at 5 or 6?

A good jar to use with the "Turbo" is a "Sun Tea" type with a plastic spigot near the bottom so you can drain off half the batch and top it off with fresh water...made easier if a hole is drilled in the jar adapter to take a funnel.