Submitted by odecoyote on
To test for water contamination: [Using the generator ]
Fill container with fresh water to the proper level ..set everything up normally.
Start running the batch in "manual" mode. ["Silver 9" Press the button so the Yellow LED lights up ]
Observe how bright the Green/Red LED is on top.
Now sloowly pull the generator/electrode assembly out of the water while watching the LED.
If that LED ****DOESN'T**** start getting dimmer immediately...that water is no good.
If the LED starts dimming when the electrodes are nearly out of the's WAY no good.
If it doesn't dim at all before the electrodes clear the water and the LED goes out...that water is WAY WAY no good. [20 uS or over]
[Incidentally, the reverse works to tell you how far along you are. If the “CS” looks like “bad water”..the batch is about done ]
Get a different jug of water.
Make sure you aren't contaminating good water with water spots, dirty jar or even finger prints.
The best way to clean a jar is to boil distilled water in it...[fill it / Nuke it]
There are many ways to contaminate water and no two jugs of water are exactly the same regardless of who distilled and bottled it.
[Most of them are fine, but everybody has a bad day now and then]
*******If the water is EXTREMELY pure, you may need a pitch dark room to see that the LED is lit at all.*******
** COM-100 Meters will be set to use “As IS” in CS before shipping.
All hand held PWT/TDS/PPM meters work the same way. They actually measure conductivity not PPM. They are simply not the same thing.
TDS (PPM) meters such as the TDS3 also measure conductivity but then convert that measurement to an estimated PPM using water industry standard tables for dissolved salts. [NaCl in this case] (also known as Total Dissolved Solids or TDS)
Since Ionic/Colloidal Silver is not a mineral salt, it behaves differently and requires a different technique for reading the TDS meter.
The reading can generally be taken ‘as is’ when checking pure distilled water or when checking any other water source such as tap or well water. (ie 200 on the meter = 200 PPM)
However, when checking Colloidal Silver made with pure distilled water the reading should be doubled. [If it reads 10, it’s actually 20 PPM of colloidal silver]
Due to range and resolution limitations, when measuring colloidal silver with this meter you should also allow for an error factor of at least +/- 10% . So for example 10 on the TDS meter could be as high as 22 PPM or as low as 18 PPM (when doubled).
Meters such as the Hanna PWT, the HM Digital EC3 and COM-100 read out directly in Microsiemens of Conductivity [uS].
The COM100 also reads out in 3 different scenarios for PPM depending on the suspected dominant mineral salt content.
Silver water is NOT salt water.
To get an idea of what the PPM is in CS, use 1uS = ~1 PPM.
Since the conductivity will start dropping as soon as power is off, Use Meter immediately after shutdown.
Concentrations over the saturation point of Ionic Silver in water [~ 10 PPM ] will progressively and variably form more and more non-conductive “particles” accounting for some of the difference between Faraday Equation Prediction vs Conductivity Monitoring.
Beyond around 25 PPM in silver water a meter reading will have considerable slew towards the low side and a batch may never register more than 30 uS the day after it’s done even though it may really be 50+ PPM
This method has been checked against samples tested by an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer at a range average of 12 PPM